Wednesday, February 12th, 2014
Dry Spell’s online release– and a great review!
Winner of Laugh or Die Comedy Fest’s Best Feature award, Dry Spell (Starring Suzi Lorraine and Kyle Hoskins, with a surprise visit from yours truly– as seen above) is available TODAY for purchase or rent on iTunes, Amazon, Xbox, Playstation, Google Play Store, Blinkbox, and Vudu! We even have a trailer for it on Hulu! Awesome!
I had a LOT of fun in the role of Lilly, and I think it shows– at least, it does according to The Omni Horror Review with Mark Del Negro!
Please check out DRY SPELL!!! –but a word of caution to this tale: though it’s not rated, I’d steer the kiddies away from this one, for the most part. 😉
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